In this captivating drama, experience a unique retelling of the nativity story with a twist. Follow the challenges faced by a determined carpenter as he strives to build a stable for the upcoming census, only to encounter a mysterious theft of supplies. Meanwhile, his spirited daughter takes matters into her own hands by crafting a manger, leading to a series of misunderstandings and unexpected connections. As the chaos subsides, witness the joyous birth of the Savior, with the news spreading throughout Bethlehem and touching the hearts of those in the audience. Prepare to be moved as generations unite in awe before the newborn King.
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AGF PUBLISHING LLC seeks to entertain, educate, inform, and inspire people of all ages. Our various imprints reach readers where they are in life’s journey.
AGF PUBLISHING LLC seeks to entertain, educate, inform, and inspire people of all ages. Our various imprints reach readers where they are in life’s journey.
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